FINANCESave6 Quick Tips To Save More Money

6 Quick Tips To Save More Money

finance, save money, how to save, fire fighters | CRACKYL MAGAZINE

By: Michelle Bogle

Whether it’s an enticing marketing email that stirs your desire to spend or a swipe-up link to the gadget you’ve been coveting, unsubscribe and unfollow.

We all have good intentions when it comes to saving money, but sometimes the hardest part is starting. Maybe you find yourself waiting for a milestone, like turning a certain age or getting a raise, or you rob your savings to fulfill your need for more wants. Either way, it’s easy to feel stuck. Here’s a dose of reality for you: you’ll only start saving money when you make it a priority. 

Need some motivation to get started? Here are six tips to ignite your short- and long-term savings goals.

Start a spending freeze 

A spending freeze is a period of time — a week, month, quarter, etc. — where you only spend money on necessities. By freezing all spending on things that you do not need, you can start padding your savings. You might find it helpful to give your freeze a purpose — maybe you need to pay back your buddy or you’ve been eyeing a new fishing boat? Knowing your why will make it easier to say no to impulse purchases that get in the way of your priorities.

Cut out credit cards

Do you constantly feel the urge to spend money that you don’t have by swiping your credit card? Get your scissors or drop that card into water and freeze it. By making it inconvenient to use plastic, you’ll lessen the temptation to spend, incur less debt and save more money.

Unsubscribe and unfollow

The dealership that sends you weekly promotions, your favourite pub that lures you with daily deals, the influencer you follow on social media: Whether it’s an enticing marketing email that stirs your desire to spend or a swipe-up link to the gadget you’ve been coveting, unsubscribe and unfollow. By keeping these temptations out of sight and out of mind, your savings account won’t take such a hit.

Forget the Joneses

It’s hard to ignore the Joneses around the firehouse but feeling envy toward other people’s possessions will never help you to hit your savings goals. Instead of placing your value on material things, focus on being content with what you have. And, remember…the Joneses are probably broke and struggling with debt.

Sleep on it

In an age of two-day free delivery, it’s easy to squander your savings from the comfort of your couch. Before clicking the “proceed to checkout” button, let the items sit in your cart for a few days before pulling the trigger.

Put food spending on a diet

Do you often swing through the drive-thru for a quick bite or coffee? Do you go to the grocery store a few times a week and buy whatever looks good without paying attention to the flyer? Think of all the money going towards food. You’ll save so much more by planning your meals, shopping according to the sales and prepping healthy food and snacks to get you through the week.

You may not become rich overnight, but the key to making your savings grow is patience. By being aware of your unconscious habits and making a consistent effort to change them over time, you’ll be able to spend less and save more for a better future. 

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